Posts Tagged ‘Rajesh Ranjan’

Landmarks of 1857: a heritage walk in Kashmiri Gate, 5 Sept 2010

September 6, 2010 in 1857,Delhi Heritage Walks,DHW,Heritage Walks,Kashmiri Gate,Kashmiri Gate Heritage Walks | 2 Comments

For us the 1857 heritage walk at Kashmiri gate has become synonymous with rain. For the last three months, on the day of Kashmiri gate heritage walk, it rains! Thankfully no walk has been cancelled because of it. Rather, the rain added to the charm of walking around the city, exploring its heritage. So once again we were out with our umbrellas, walking around Kashmiri Gate

For me, leading the walk is a new experience every time:it is a great opportunity to meet people with similar interests. Their enthusiasm is infectious. For this particular walk we had people coming in from NOIDA & Gurgaon in the rains! Nicholson’s cemetery, our starting point was like a mini pool with water rushing out of it as we entered the gate. After looking at Brigadier General John Nicholson’s and Master Ramachandra’s graves we walked towards Kashmiri gate hopping and skipping around puddles & sometimes wading through water! This walk was as much a trek as it was about heritage. Continue Reading This Post

Uncovering a little bit of past: walking in old Delhi, 29 Aug 2010

September 1, 2010 in Chandni Chowk,Delhi Heritage Walks,DHW,Heritage Walks,Old Delhi | 0 Comments

Chandni chowk, is like a second home to me. Yet every time one visits the old city there’s a freshness to it. 29th was last of the Sundays’ that August could offer to us and it was like cherry on the cake when it’s designed for a visit to Chandni Chowk. A bunch of 11 people, some our regulars, others new, looked get-set-go for the walk. Walk started with Digambar Jain Lal Mandir followed by Gauri Shankar temple. Being a bunch of enthusiasts everyone wished to visit inside each of these places. However in a 2 hrs heritage walk it becomes difficult to do so. Still there were quite a few places we managed to explore. I tried to give maximum facts and details about the same. The group already looked very keen to know more as a lot of questions were being asked about the history of these landmarks.

This time, I decided to also focus on by-lanes of Chandni Chowk by by discussing various wholesale markets one can visit to on weekdays including for bicycles, electronics, spectacles, camera, saris etc. Continue Reading This Post

Heritage trail in Lodi Garden, 22 Aug 2010

August 23, 2010 in Delhi Heritage Walks,DHW,Heritage Walks,Lodi Garden,Lodi Garden Heritage Walks | 0 Comments

CWG and Delhi’s monsoon are not on friendly terms. The more the CWG curse the rains, the more it pours. For the locals though it is a blessing. The trees and the buildings and the air have a clean look. The grass looks green and the monuments very very clean. This was our first impression as we took a heritage walk in Lodi Garden. The garden is a creation of the British, when they were trying to incorporate Delhi’s ruins in their plans of building a new capital for themselves. They called it Lady Willingdon Park; Lodi Garden is a post-independence name. The first stop on our heritage walk was Muhammad Shah Sayyid’s tomb. There were very few people about because of the rain and as the picture above shows the monuments looked nice and clean. The light coloured stone of the tomb presented a beautiful contrast with the lush green grass. The trail then leads along the butterfly conservatory to the Bara Gumbad complex. Built in the 15th century, the Bada Gumbad probably acted as a gateway to the mosque, tomb and assembly hall to its north. Continue Reading This Post

Heritage Walk in Hauz Khas: a medieval centre of learning, 21 Aug 2010

in Deer Park,Delhi Heritage Walks,DHW,hauz Khas,Hauz Khas Heritage Walks,Heritage Walks | 1 Comment

The monuments in Hauz Khas are one of the most interesting sites in Delhi. Built around a reservoir the madrasa complex is impressive even as a ruin. Today’s heritage walk covered these monuments in Hauz Khas village and those in the Deer park. The Hauz Khas complex is in disarray these days because of undergoing conservation work. The complex is littered with stone chips, piles of cement & mounds of dug up earth. One hopes that this is wrapped up soon so that one can truly enjoy the scenery. The tank was originally constructed by Alauddin Khalji for his capital city, Siri. By the time Firuz Shah Tughluq assumed throne, the tank has silted up and people were cultivating on it. Contemporary accounts report that people has dug up private wells and were selling off water. Firuz Shah did what is he is best known for, restoration &repair of existing monuments and building water works for publics. He re-excavated the tank and built a madrasa along its edge. In the 14th century, this madrasa would have been one of the centres of excellence for Islamic learning. Continue Reading This Post

Sunday morning at Mehrauli Archaeological Park, 15 August 2010

August 17, 2010 in Delhi Heritage Walks,DHW,Heritage Walks,Mehrauli Archaeological Park,Mehrauli Archaeological Park Heritage Walks | 0 Comments


Leading the walk on 15th August…our Independence Day made this walk very special for me and started the walk by wishing all Happy Independence Day….this group of heritage enthusiasts also had a young boy studying in 3rd standard… the heritage walk at Mehrauli Archaelogical Park shall always be my favorite the place has some very interesting monuments of various dynasties… Situated on the Aravalli’s oldest fold mountains is perhaps earliest inhabited urban area of Delhi…we first walked to an from an arched gate that leads to Balbans tomb, it is here that ASI carried out some excavation work in summer of 2009 and found some rooms, graves which seems to be part of the larger residential complex…. ( well ASI is doing a great job of restoration and excavation work). Next to it is Balban’s tomb, it’s importance lies in the fact that use of true arches in indian architecture begins from here. Continue Reading This Post